Assignments in Solomon Islands
Community Access and Urban Services Enhancement Project- Honiara (2009-present)
MD Rob Dingen, as STC for the Worldbank developed the Works component of the project and is part of the Worldbank technical support mission team. >>read more>
TA support to the Community Sector Program, Malaita Road Project (2008 - 2009)
The Community Sector Program (AusAID) included a Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Works Project (RRMWP) which focus was helping the Solomon Island Government plan, build, maintain and manage the roads on Malaita Island >>read more>
Solomon Island Road Improvement Program (SIRIP) - Various Islands (2007 - 2008)
The ADB/AusAID/NZAid funded Solomon Island Road Improvement Project of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) aims to create sustainable mechanisms for road rehabilitation and maintenance using local contractors >>read more>
Solomon Islands - Project Preparation TA of the Transport Sector Support Programme (2010)
Orion Consulting Associates provided TA input to the team. Project’s main output was to identify most feasible subprojects and to carry out assessments and preparations needed for the ensuing project preparation, fulfilling the SIG and ADB requirements. >>read more>