Solomon Islands - Project Preparation TA of the Transport Sector Support Programme (2010)
Narrative: OCA provided TA input to the team. Project’s main output was to identify most feasible subprojects and to carry out assessments and preparations needed for the ensuing project preparation, fulfilling the SIG and ADB requirements. In addition, the TA had strong emphasis on the institutional and capacity building issues related to transport infrastructure management. The impact of the TA is contribution to improved sustainable accessibility through improved land, sea and air transport in the Solomon Islands. The TA had four components: a scoping study to determine the optimal mix of physical activities and institutional reforms required to implement the National Transport Plan (NTP); the preparation of technical assessments of proposed civil works; the development of a medium-term phased framework design for a sector-based approach; and an analysis of capacity development and institutional reform needs to support project implementation and transition toward an eventual sector wide approach (SWAp).