Support to the Economic Infrastructure Component of PROPESCA
Assessment of access to market situation, capacity and institutional assessment and design of intervention programme for an IFAD funded programme. Client: IFAD >>read more>
Support to inland fisheries and aquaculture project
OCA assisted the FAO with the formulation and modus operandi and the identification of interventions under the Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture project in Mozambique, Market Infrastructure Component, for the purpose of requesting concessional funding from the Islamic Development Bank >>read more>
EC Food Facility funded road works as part of the Rural Market Promotion Program (PROMER)
OCA assisted PROMER and the road authorities in Mozambique with the planning, design, procurement and contract supervision of EC Food Facility funded rural road works in Nampula and Zambezia provinces, and designed and delivered training of local consultants and contractors >>read more>