Formulation Road Transport Sector Policy Support Programme - Kenya (08/09)
OCA was subcontracted by Parson Brinckerhoff / Ecorys to participate in the formulation team for the capacity building component of the 10th EDF support to the Kenya road sector. The OCA member was responsible for Institutional Capacity Development. Amongst others, the formulation study included:
- An assessment of the relevant, feasibility and sustainability of supporting the national road sector programme with a sector policy support programme (SPSP)
- A detailed description of the proposed SPSP defining objectives, expected results, risks and assumptions, resources to implement it including the definition of the various stakeholders’ responsibilities and logical framework matrix
- Implementation arrangements of the SPSP, estimated costs, programme timing, disbursement schedule and mechanisms and system of performance measurement
- Description of all necessary capacity building activities
- Tender documents for supplies and services related to the capacity building component
Focal points/Deliveries: Road Transport Policy Support, Institutional Capacity Development, Feasibility Assessments, Tender Documents.