Kaduna Road Access and Mobility Project (RAMP)
Output and Performance based Road Contracts (OPRC), Nigeria (2008 – 2010)
Narrative: The Government of Kaduna State, Nigeria, through its State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU), Ministry of Works and Transport sought to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance management of the state’s road network. The Government introduced Output and Performance Based Road Contracts (OPRC) under World Bank funding. OPRC is a concept which significantly expands the role of the private sector, from the simple execution of works to the management and conservation of road assets under a performance based payment system. Under the lead firm - Egis International - OCA provided a total of 5 months intermittent specialist input between November 2008 and late 2010, supporting the SPIU in road selection, conceptualisation and design, procurement and contracting of OPRC works.
Focal points: road design, road maintenance, rural roads, low cost surfacing, output and performance based maintenance (OPRC), financial modeling, labor based technology, procurement, private sector consultations, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).