Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (NIAF), Nigeria (2011 - 2013)
Narrative: The Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (NIAF) was established by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in response to a request made by the Government of Nigeria for technical assistance to enable the country to improve its infrastructure and the quality and reliability of related services. OCA has signed a framework agreement with the Adam Smith International / TRL consortium for the provision of specialist services under NIAF. OCA has provided the following inputs to NIAF: i) a concept paper and outline for a national employment intensive public works program including a monitoring and evaluation system; and ii) technical support for maintenance of District Roads using Labor-Based Techniques in Three Pilot States (ongoing). The latter includes the following activities:
- Development of training materials and to conduct pilot classroom training of future trainers (supervisors);
- Conduct pilot field training of future trainers (supervisors);
- Assist and oversee the training undertaken by the supervisors of labor gangs in the local communities;
- Monitor the performance of the maintenance units and provide guidance for improvement; and
- Present a report summarizing the lessons learnt in undertaking the pilot training in the three States.
Focal points/Deliveries: rural roads maintenance standards and management, labour based road maintenance training to implementing agents and contracting authorities, district roads, monitoring and evaluation.