Former Dutch Antilles: Capacity Development of Service Institutions
OCA provided 3 experts to the IMC–Worldwide managed implementation of the capacity development project in the Dutch Caribbean: a water distribution /waste water specialist, an expert in the field of customer services and an expert in the field of community empowerment and capacity building. This two year project (January 2011 – December 2012) comprised the capacity building and institutional strengthening component of a €24 million urban infrastructure improvements program in socially deprived areas funded under the Ninth European Development Fund (9th EDF).
The overall objective of the programme was to enhance the living conditions of low income residents and to assist poverty alleviation on the five islands of the Netherlands Antilles, with a project purpose to provide adequate and accessible social infrastructure and services in socially deprived communities, by improving the physical environment in selected low-income communities and furthermore enable the governmental institutions concerned to deliver sustainable social services.
For the community empowerment building a Brazilian community game has been utilized. For an impression, see the Oasis Game Dutch Quarter